Friday, September 4, 2009

Lobstering on Friday Afternoon

Hey, check the weather in the video. Wow! My daughter, who is 6, did a bunch of the filming. Ben Polk has the gear on and you can also see his wife Marci, and Murt Marci's cousin-in-law. Gayle, Iz and Evan are also there. Juju was on the boat too and you can see Evan giving her a hug.

I have 6 fishing trips in the next 3 days. One of them is with my cousin, Matt Henry, up from Washington DC for only a day before he has to get back to basketball practice.

I have heard good things upriver and at the beach. I am looking forward to giving everything a try. I think tomorrow we will try upriver. Can't wait.

I will post again one of these days.


Ralph said...

I feel I've been replaced.

Mr. W said...

I was hoping you might make a comment. No one can replace you man.