Sunday, June 14, 2020

Fishing Report 6/13

          A dream of mine (at least since March) has always been to catch a fish while leading a zoom meeting.  So, when I saw that conditions looked just about perfect for yesterday and meetings starting at 8:30, I decided to go for it.  In the Kennebec River right now we have special restrictions for catching Stripers which prohibits the use of bait among other things. So, I needed a way to catch them without moving much and bait was not an option.  I decided to anchor up in a spot I knew had good reception and just put a diamond jig down around 15'.  I figured jigging would not be too much motion for the other participants which might distract them from the meeting and hopefully the fish would just pop buy.  Mission accomplished as you can see from below.  Caught two during meeting one and five during meeting two which was only 25 minutes.  Dream fulfilled.  

Currently the bite is good enough for me to catch them while I lead zoom calls for my school.  We are catching a lot on top when we see them and on the bottom as well. The fish range in size from about 9" to about 24".  Hopefully that will improve.   Macs are around but I would not say thick yet.  I've got to go, it's time to fish.  

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